Augmented Book Store

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Top Two Reasons for business Failure

It's a pretty bold statement to make, but I can sum up the top two reasons why businesses fail or at least fail to thrive. These could also apply to friendships, marriages, personal growth, or a myriad of other circumstances, too. It's because these are such tough questions to ask day in and day out and so difficult to take repeated, tireless operation on, that I can say these are the over-arching reasons for failure to grow or thrive in a business setting. It's because it has all to do with how you weekly, daily, hourly - commonly - ask and riposte these two questions.

1. "What If?"

Augmented Reality

2. "And So?"

Knowing to ask the first question, what if, is only the beginning point. You also have to ask the right "what if" question. Sometimes that's hard to discern. For instance, "What if I begin using public media marketing?" is a pretty broad question. It may not lead you to the right answers. A best examine would be, "What if I outsourced my public media marketing to someone who knows more about this than me so that I can focus on the things that I do well in my business?" an additional one example could be, "What if I made one new meaningful local palpate every week to originate new business leads?"

Start by request yourself, "What if I changed _______?" (fill in the blank)

But the trickier part is to ask and riposte accordingly to the second question. "And so," means that if something changed, it would do so because you have faced the obstacles in your way and attempted a solution. Not all of your solutions may work, but there will never be any results without the trying process. "And so" says that you are projecting the steps that need to happen and taking operation on them. You won't always anticipate each step perfectly, but in the process of taking operation on as many of those steps as you can, you will beyond doubt begin to survey new ways to engage your business, new opportunities, and be inspired by new doors that open along the way. Each "what if" will inspire new "and so" possibilities, which by the way, will need to be asked anew on a regular basis.

Finish by request yourself, "And so what do I need to do about that now?"

Back to the example of manufacture new contacts every week...a new palpate in an unrelated field may perform the checklist "to do" item, but it's not meaningful to your business. To originate a new meaningful palpate every week, you might have to join a new networking group, take up public speaking, hire help to get you in front of new contacts, etc. And so if you want the new contacts to develop, you will begin the process of taking the right steps towards that goal.

A breakdown at any point in this two-step process represents a particular failure - something that can be adjusted for on the next go-round, but failing to start this process at all will cause the business to fail. It beyond doubt is that simple.

Top Two Reasons for business Failure

Friday, December 23, 2011

Augmented Reality Origami

Augmented Reality Origami Video Clips. Duration : 2.17 Mins.

Here is a video of a prototype that uses one of the simplest origami foldings to turn a sheet of paper into a kind of 3D mouse. Once the origami is done, first you see the result of the tracking algorithm and then the final result in an Augmented Reality scene. The car levitates above the origami and can be seen from angles you would have troubles to reach with the standard flat AR markers. Music (chosen because of the title) : "Strange about your hands" - Sensations Fix, 1976.

Tags: Augmented, Reality, Mixed, Markerless, Tracking, Origami, Total, Immersion, Emmanuel, mfr